Krantenbank Zeeland


96 resultaten gevonden

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARY and ESSEQUEBO. fbe undersigned, in capacity as Deputy First-Marshal of the United Colony of Detnerary and Essequebo, advertises, by these presents, for the first, second and third time ... thosewho may pre tend to have any right, title or interest to the Nett proceeds of said Plan tations, are herewith by him the undersigned Deputy First-MarShal óf said United Colony, summoned to appear in

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

"J*he undersigned in enpneity as Deputy First Marshal of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, advertises by these presents, for the first, second and third time, that he willbij virtue of ... certain Sentence of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Execution-Salethe following PLANTATIONwith its Cultivatkm, Buildings, Slaves and

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

The untersignedin capacity as Deputy First Marshal of the United Colony of Denierary and Essequeboadvertises by these presentsfor the first, second and third time, that he will, by vfrtue of certain ... those, vvho may pretend to have any righttitle or interest to the Nett proceeds of said Plantations, art herewithby him, the untersigned Deputy First Marshal of said United Colony summoned to appear in

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

Sen tences of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony exposé and sell at Public Executión-Sale the following PLANTATIONS, with their Culcivation, Buildings, Slaves and ... those, who may pretend to have any righttitle or interest to the Nett proceeds of said 1'lantations, are herewithby him, the untersigned Deputy First Marshal of said United Colony suminoned co appear in

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 4

gelegaliseerde verklaring, geteekcnd door den „Viticultural Inspector" en ruim 50 der voor naamste vruchten- en rozijnen-Farmers van Fresno County Californië, verklarende dat de Perrin Colony No. 2, de door het

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

T'ne untersigned, in capacity as Deputy First Marshal of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo advei tises by these presentslor the fust, second and third time, that he willby virctie of ... certain Sen tences of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civi] Justice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Execution-Salethe following PLANTATIONS, with their Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

flie Undersignedin capacity as Deputy First Marshal of the United Colony of Demerary and Esscquebo, advertisisby these presents, for the firsc, second and third time, that he willby virtue of certain ... Sen- tence of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice- of said United Colony, expose and sèll at Public Execution-Sale t.he fo|lowing PLANTATION, with its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves and

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

The Undersigned in cnpncity as Deputy First Marshal of the United Colony of Demernry and Essequebo, advertisis, by these presents, for the first, second and third time, that he will, by virtne of ... certain Sen- tence of the Honournble Court of Criminal and Civil Jnstice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Execution-Sale the follovving PLANTATION, with its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARIJ and ESSEQUEBO. The untersigned in capacity as Deputy First-Marshal of the United Colony ofDemerarv and Essequeboadvertises by these presents, for the first, second and third time, that he ... will, by virtue of certain Sen tences of the Honorable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Executions-Sale the following PLANTATIONS, with their

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARir and ESSEQUEBO. X^i uhtersignea in capECity as Deputy First-Marshal of the U=ii=it Colony of Deinerary and Rssequebo, advertises by these presents the first, second and third time, that he ... will, by virtue of certain's!? tences of the Honorable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of sj'j United Colony, expose and sell at Public Executions.Sale the followir. PLANTATIONS with their

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DRMERARY .-VND ESSEQUEBO. Tlie Untersignedin cipiKicy as Deputy First Marshal of the Urjtfci Colony of Demerary and lissequebo, advertises, by tl;es2 presents, lo,- the first, second and third time ... , that he will, by virtue of certain Sen tences of'the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony expose and sale at Public Execution-Sale the following PLANTATIONS, with their

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

fhe untersignedin capacity as Deputy First-Marshnl of the unitcd Colony of Demerary afid Essequebo, advertises by these presentsfor the fustsecond and third timethat he willby virtue of certain ... Seiitence of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Jvstice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Execution-Salethe following PLANTATION, with its CultivationBuildings, Slaves and further

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

'J'he untersignedin capacity as Deputy First-Marshal of the nnited Colony of Demerary and Essequeboadvertises by these presents, for the firstsecond and third timethat he willby virtue of certain ... Sentence of the Honourable Court of Criininal and Civil Justice of said United Colony expose and sell at Public Execution-Sale, the following PLANTATION, with its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves and further

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 4

undersignedin capacity as Deputy first Marshaf of the nniied Cölony of Demerary and Essequebo advertises by these presentstor the "first, second and third time, that hewill, by virtue of certain ... those who may pretend to have any right, title or interest, to the nett pro ceeds of said Plantations are herewith by him the undersigned Deputy first Marshal of said uiiited Colony, summoned to appear in

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

Xhe nndersigned in enpacity as Deputy firsc Marshal of the uniced Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, advertises by these presents, for the first, seeound and third time, thac he wiliby virtne of ... certain sentences of the Honorable Court of Civil Juscice of said united Colony, expose and sell at Public Execution-Salethe afternamed Plantacion, with its Cultivation Buildings, Slaves and further

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMRRARY ano' ESSF.QUF.BO. 'Pe untersigned in capacity as Deputy First Marshal of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequeboadvertises, by these presents, for the first, second and third'time that ... he will, hij virtue of certain Sentences of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Executions-Sale, the following PLANTATIONS, with their

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARY AND ESSEQUEBO. The Untersignedin capacity as Deputy First Marshal of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequeboadvertises, by these.presents for The fi«t, second and third time, that he ... all those, Xmay pretend to have any right, title or interest to the Neu. pro ceeds of said Plantations, are herewith, by him, the Untersigned De- piuy first Marshall of said United Colony, summoned ^o

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARY and ESSEQUEBO. The undersigned in capacity as Deputy first Marshal of the united Colony of Demerary and Essequebo advertises by these presentsfor the first, second and third time, that ... hewill, by virtue of certain sentences of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice of said united Colony, expose and sell at Public Execution-Salethe following PLANTATIONS with their Cultivation, Buildings

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

"Phe nndersignedin capacity as Deputy first Marshal of the united Colony of Demerary and Essequéfto, ndvertises by these presents, for the fu stsecound and third timethat lie willby virtue of certain ... sentencës of the Honorable Court of Civil Jtistice of said united Colony, exposé and sell at Public Esecuiion-Salethe afternamed Plantationwith its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves and fnrthér appurtenances

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

f he undersiirned in capacity as Deputy First-Marshal of the United Colony of Demerary a"d Esseqiiebo, advertises, by these presents, for the first second and third time, that he will, by virtue of ... certain Sentences of the Hononrahle Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Execution-Salethe following PLANTATIONS, with theit Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves ai

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARY and ESSEQUEBO. 'J^he undersigned, in capacity as Deputy First-Marshal of the United Colony of Demerary a; d Essequebo, advertises, by these presents, for the first, second and ... third time, that he will, by virtue of certain Sentences of the llonouiable Court of Criminal and Civil justice of said United Colony, expose and seU at Public Execution-Sale, the following

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARY and ESSEQUEBO. Xhe undersignetlin capacity as Deputy First-lVlarshal of the United Colony of Demerary and Esscquebo, advertises, by these presents, for the fust, second and third ... time, that he will, by virtue of certain Sentences of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Execution-Sale, the following PLANTATIONS

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARY and ESSEQUEBO. fhe undersigned, in capacity as Deputy First-Marshal of the United Colony of Demerary and Esseqnebo, advertises, by these pres?nts, for the first, lecond and third ... time, that he will, by virtue of certain Sentences of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony, expose «nd sell at Public Execution-Sale, the following PLANTATIONS

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 4

Whereas upon the Petition of the said LEIN BAART our Judges of the Supreme Court of our Colony of the Cape of Good Hope did upon the 24th day of July 1895 order that the said LEIN BAART (hereinafter ... Thus done granted in the Supreme Court of our said Colony of Cape Town this 2nd day of August 1895 in the 59th Tear of Our Reign. Fairbridge Arderne Lawton Cape Town Plaintiffs Attorneys

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

will by virtue of certain sentences of the ho- nourable Court of Criminal and Civii Justice of said uniced ColonyExposé smd Sell at Public Execution-Salethe foilowing PLANTATIONS, with iheir Cultivations ... tbose wo may pre- tend to have any right, title or interest, to the Net Proceeds of said Planta- lions, are herewith by me the undersigned Deputy First Marshal of the said united Colony, summoned to

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

he wil 1 by virtue of certain sentences of the lx>- nourabte Court of Crimina! and Civil Justice of said united Colony, Exposé 3nd Sell at Public Execution Salethe following^PLANTATIONS, with their ... , all chose wo may pre- tend to have'any right, title or interest, to the Net Proceeds of said Pianta- tions, are herewith by me the undersigned Deputy First Marshal of the Said United Colony, summoned to

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

those wo may pré- tend to have any rigbt, title or interest, to the Net Proceeds of said Planta- tions, are herewith by me the undersigned Oepury First Marshal of the said united Colony, summoned to ... appear in person, or by their actornies, to lay their claims in düefórm before the honoüiable 'Court of justice, for said united Colony of Demerary and Esfequebo, at their respeccive sessions, in the

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

The unterslgiTcdin eapneity as Deputy First-Marshal of the united Colony of Demerary and Esseqncboadvertises by these presentsfor the lirstseconcj, and third time,-tlvuhe wijlby virtue of certain ... Sentencc 'of the flononrable Conrt of Crimiual and Civil Justice öf said United Colony e::pose and scll at Public Execntion'-Sale, the follovVing PLANTATIONwith its Culiivation, Buildings, Slaves' and

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

. DEMERARY AND ËSSEQUEBO. X^e untersigned, in Capacity as Deputy First-Marsnai of the üntted Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, advertisesby tnese presents, for the first sicond and third'time that ... he will, bij virttïe of certain Sentences of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony expose and sell" at Public Execution-Sale, the foUbwing PLANTATIONS, with

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

DEMERARIJ ANn ESSEQUEBO. The untersigned in capacity as Deputy First-Marsha! of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, advertises by these preserts, for the first, second and third time, that ... Fii-.tly In the month of September next, the undivided tourtii-part of the SUGAR- and COFFEE-PLANTATIONS LA IMÜL'. SIR, IE BIENFAIT and the FF.LLOTVSHIPsituated cai'te We'st'-Coast of this Colony

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

-.i-ï^ S. DE WIND. DEMER.\RY AND ESSEQÜEBO. 'J'he-Untersigned in capacity as Deputy First Marshalof die ünitcé Colony of Deraerary and Essequeboadvertisesby these presentsfor the Tirsc, second and ... , title or interest' to the Nett pro- ceeds of said Plantations, are herewith, by himthe Untersigned De- puty first Marshall of said-United Colony, summoned to appear in pe- son or by their Attorrriesto lay

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

persuant to an order of His Ilononr the President of the Hononrable Court of Crinunal and Civil Justice of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, bearing date the aith June 1830. ... I the undersigned Deputy First Marshal at the Requesc of A. VYF- HUIS Jr. and E. L. CHRISTIANI, in their quality as substituted by HENRIETTA KERSTEN, sole remaining Executrix in this Colony, to the

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

those who may pretend to have any right, title or interest, to the nett pro ceeds of said Plantations are herewith by him the undersigned Deputy first Marshal of said united Colony, summoned to appear in ... person or bij their Attornies, to lay their Claims in due form before the Honora ble Court of Justice of said united Colony of Demerary and Êssequebo, at their ordinary sessions as fbllous

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

In Pnrsuance of Authoricy obtained from His Honor the Chief Justice of British Guiana, by the nndersigned Curators over the Estate and Ef- feccs of lictor Amadaeus Heyligerlate of chis Colony ... - daert Co.and in the Colony at Messrs. C. Revers and J. A. D. Hooi kaas.

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

Jti Ptirsiiance of Authority obtained from His Honor the Chief Justice öfBrltish Guiana, by the undersigned Curators over the Estate and Ef- fects of Victor Amadaeus Hey/igerlate of this Colony ... . Bod- daert Co., and in the Colony, at Messrs. C. Revers and J. A. D. Kool haas.

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

will, bij virtue of certain Sentences of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of said United Colony, expose and sell at Public Executions-Sale, the following PLANTATIONS, with their ... Marshal of said United Colonysummoned to appear in person or by their Attornies, to lay their Claims in due formbefore the Honou rable Court of Justice of said United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, at

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 1

In the matter of Arrest of H. J. C. NEUWIELLER Inhabitant of. this Colony versus the Brothers SCHEIDT P. D. HIERONBHJS SONS D. SCHMIDT STRUCKERP. KOEHL SONS, CASPER SIEPER PELTSER VELDHAFF and F ... I the Untersigned, Deputy First Marshal of said United Colony, do, bv these presents in the name and behalf of said H. J. C. NEU WIELLER Obtainer of a JIandament of Arrest, Summon hy Edict ad Fahis

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

he willbij virtue of certain sentences of the Honorable Courc of Criminal and Civil Justice of said united Colony, expose and Steil at Public Exetutjon-Salethe following PLANTATIONS, wirh their ... First. In the month of June 1872, the iindivided half of the Cotton- Wanration Nahaeles, situated on the East Sea-Coast of this Colony the pro perty of the Estate of J. C. Ti osmandeceased.

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

flie undcrsigned in capacity as. Deputy. First Marshal of the United Colony of Demcrary and Essequebo, advértises by these presents, for the first, second and third time, that h'e willbij virtne of ... Attornies, to lay their Claims in dtie form before the flonourable Conrt of Justice of said United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, at their scssion, in the month of August 1830, under a penalty, that

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

persuant to an order of His Honour the President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, bearing date the 2ich June 1830. ... I the undersigned Deputy First Marshal at the Requesc of A. VYF- IIUIS Jr. and E. L. CHRISTIANI, in their quality as substituced by HENRIETTA KERSTEN, sole remaining Executrix in this Colony, to the

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

Planta» tionsare herewith, by him, the untersigned Deputy first Marshal of said United Colony, summoned to appear in person or by [heir Attoruies, to lay their Claims in due form before the Honciraliie ... Court of Justice of said Uni ted Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, at their respective Sessions in ih« following months, viz:

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

those who may pretend to have any righftitle or interest, to the Nett pro ceeds of s^id Plantationsare herewithby himthe untersigned Deputy first IVIarshal of said Unitfed Colony,- summoned to appear in ... person or by their Attprniesto lay their Claims in due formbefpi'e the Honou rable Court of Justice of said Uuifed Colony of Denjerary and Esseqpebo, at their respective Sessions in the following months

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 1

«In de San Joaquin vallei, bjj Merced, kan men thans (3 Sept. 1895) de overblijfselen waarnemen van de Rotterdam Colony. Ten minste uitwendig. Want de teleurgestelde hoop der farmers, de vreeselyke ... Crocker bjj zich komen en het resultaat was, dat de consul zelf naar Rotterdam Colony ging, vergezeld van Crocker, Njjgh e. a. en van een expert.

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 3

gelegaliseerde verklaring, geteekend door den »Viticultural Inspector" en ruim 50 der voornaamste vruchten en rozjjnen-fa^gsprs van Fresno County Californië, verklarende dat de Ferrin Colony BTo. 2, de döor hel