| Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant | pagina 9
COLONY ... 14.10 The colony, thriller 15.50 Studienieuws op 6 16.20 Start op zes, magazine 16.45 Vakantie-tv 17.15 Tuinieren met kijkers 17.50 Klussen met kijkers 18.00 Het Nieuws 18.10 Klussen met kijkers
COLONY ... 14.10 The colony, thriller 15.50 Studienieuws op 6 16.20 Start op zes, magazine 16.45 Vakantie-tv 17.15 Tuinieren met kijkers 17.50 Klussen met kijkers 18.00 Het Nieuws 18.10 Klussen met kijkers
COLONY ... Een familie verhuist naar een luxe oord waar criminaliteit niet bestaat en alles perfect lijkt in de thriller The Colony (1995) van Rob Hedden. Wanneer de buren vreemd gedrag vertonen proberen ze te
COLONY ... The Colony (1995) is een thriller van Rob Hedden over een familie die verhuist 7iaar ee.7i exclusieve buwt die 7iietzo veilig blijkt als lijkt. Met John Ritter, Maiy Page Keiler en Hal Linde7i.
6124 Kipps Colony Drive West
COLONY ... The colony (1995) is een thriller van Rob Hedden over een ge zin dat de criminele binnen stad ontvlucht en verhuist naar een veilige wijk, waar het le ven onheilspellender blijkt
0.00 The natural world: For queen and colony 1.00 Nacht-tv ... .30 Animals A to Z: Body snatchers 12.00 The natural world: For queen and colony 13.00 Roo release 13.30 Bosca's story 14.00 Pet rescue 14.30 Pet rescue 15.00 Untamed Amazonia: The green ocean 16.00 Emergency
Space Colony ... Een stad vol eigenzinnige persoonlijkheden in Space Colony.
het Colony Theater in Manhatten. De rol prent, hoe kort ook, werd direct een kaskraker. Iedereen wilde kennis maken met Mickey. Na de goede ontvangst van Steamboat Willie volgden meer
: Bushfire emergency! 21.00 Vets on the wildside 21.30 Animal pre cinct: Fighting dogs 22.00 The natural world: For queen and colony 23.00 Ani mal minds 24.00 Wildlife SOS 0.30 Aus sie animal rescue: Bushfire
: Bushfire emergency! 21.00 Vets on the wildside 21.30 Animal pre cinct: Fighting dogs 22.00 The natural world: For queen and colony 23.00 Ani mal minds 24,00 Wildlife SOS 0.30 Aus sie animal rescue: Bushfire
queen and colony 11.00 Animal minds 12.00 Animals A-Z" Devil fish/Baywatch - A dolphin's view 13.00 Young and wild: Home truths First bond 14.00 Hunters: Eye of the serpent 15.00 Croc files 15.30 Rattlers
22 00 The natural world For queen and colony. 23.00 Wildlife specials: Wolf. 0.00 The swarm 0.30 A graze with danger 1.00 Nachttv.
colony 11.00 Wildlife spe cials: Wolf. 12.00 Animals A-Z 13.00 Africa's great rivers. Zambezi. 13 30 Africa s great rivers. Shire. 14.00 Killer jobs. 15.00 Croc files. 15.30 Croc files: Research on
De boekhandel van het American Colony Ho tel aan Nablus Road in Oost-Jeruzalem. Geen passender plaats voor een gesprek met dr. Sari Nusseibeh dan dit walhalla voor liefhebbers van litera tuur over de
natural world: For queen and colony. 24.00 Pet res cue. 0.30 Whippet 1.00 Nachttv.
animal rescue: Koala orphans/Roo release. 11.00 The natu ral world: For queen and colony. 12.00 Pet rescue. 12.30 Breed all about it: Smooth fox terrier. 13.00 Vets in practi
world: For queen and colony. 21,00 Born among bushmen and lions. 22.00 K9 boot camp: K9 detection - Partners for life. 23.00 Cell dogs: Huerfano. 0.00 Pro ject Noah. 1.00 Big cat diary. 1.30 Chim panzee
Jesus. 21.00 Gospel of Judas. 22.00 Flashback Monday: Pyramids oi death. 23.00 Deadly colony. 0.00 Mega structures: Ice hotel. 1.00 Pyramids of death. 2.00 Deadly colony. 3.00-6,OO Se- cret bible: Knights
. 19.00 Deadly colony. 20.00 I didn't know that. 20.30 I didn't know that. 21.00 Loch Ness monster: The ultimate expe riment. 22.00 Outsmarting terror. 23.00 Is it real? The Da Vinci Code. 0.00 Me
res: America's undérwater treasures. 20.00 Megastructures: Air force trans port. 21.00 Mad labs. 21.30 Flashback Monday. 21.30 Deadly colony. 22.30 Dogfight over Guadalcanal. 23.30 I didn't know that. 0
res America's underwater treasures, 20.00 Megastructures: Air force trans port. 21,00 Mad labs. 21.30 Flashback Monday. 21.30 Deadly colony. 22.30 Dogfight over Guadalcanal. 23.30 I didn't know that 0
crash. 17.00 Deadly design. 18.00 Deadly colony. 19.00 Chimps unchained. 20.00 Mad labs. 21.00 Lock- down: Gang wars. 22.00 Scrap house. 23.00 Is it real?. Stigmata. 0.00 Super snake. 1.00 Deadly colony
crash. 17.00 Deadly design. 18.00 Deadly colony. 19.00 Chimps unchained. 20.00 Mad labs. 21.00 Lock- down: Gang wars. 22.00 Scrap house. 23.00 Is it real?: Stigmata. 0.00 Super snake. 1.00 Deadly colony
6.00 CNBC. 12.00 Mad labs. 12.30 I didn't know that. 13.00 Hunter hunted: Lions. 14.00 Megastructures: Boston's big dig. 15.00 Deadly colony. 16.00 Be the creature: Mexican freetailed bat. 17.00 Dogs ... .30 Flashback Mon day: Pyramids of death. 22.30 Dogfight over Mig Alley. 23.30 I didn't know that. 0.00 King Tut's curse. 1.00 Pyra mids of death. 2.00 Dogfight over Mig Alley. 3.00 Deadly colony. 4.00 Lions. 5
6 00 CNBC 12.00 Mad labs. 12.30 I didn't know that. 13.00 Hunter hunted: Lions. 14.00 Megastructures: Boston's big dig. 15.00 Deadly colony. 16.00 Be the creature: Mexican freetailed bat. 17.00 Dogs ... Mon day Pyramids of death. 22.30 Dogfight over Mig Alley. 23.30 I didn't know that 0.00 King Tut's curse. 1 00 Pyra mids of death 2.00 Dogfight over Mig Alley. 3.00 Deadly colony 4 00 Lions. 5.00 Mad
The Colony
00:30 The colony 02:10 Nachtprogram-
Colony: Documentaire over het fe nomeen Colony Collapse Disorder - ook wel verdwijnziekte ge noemd. In dit geval gaat het om bijenkoloniën die uitzwermen en vervolgens spoorloos verdwijnen. We
The Colony: Arrival and survival 00:00 Cook County Jail: Brains brawn National Geographic
builders: Sinking wings 20:05 Fifth gear 20:35 Breaking point: Boat 21:35 Dirty jobs: Diaper cleaner 22:35 Destroyed in seconds 23:00 The Colony: Power struggle 00:00 Cook County Jail: Gang ties
elevation 20:05 Fifth gear 20:35 Ultimate survival 21:35 Storm chasers 22:35 Destroyed in seconds 23:00 The Colony 00:00 Cook County Jail National Geographic
Destroyed in seconds 23:00 The Colony: Safety and security 00:00 Behind bars: Alaska National Geographic
snaps 19:05 Mega builders: Raising the roof- Rio stadium 20:05 Fifth gear 20:35 Mighty ships: HDMSAbsalon 21:35 Black gold 22:35 Destroyed in seconds 23:00 The Colony: A stranger among us 00:00
builders: The big lift - Stonecutters Bridge 20:05 Cake Boss: A bride, a boat, and bamboozled! 20:35 Huge moves 21:35 Swords: Life on the line: Hostile takeover 22:35 Destroyed in seconds 23:00 The colony
builders: Mighty shovel 20:05 Cake Boss: A fire, a fashionista and family 20:35 Engineering thrills 21:35 Dirty jobs: Spider pharm 22:35 Destroyed in seconds 23:00 The colony: A test of faith 00
ice crusher 20:05 Cake Boss: Bunny, birthday and burnt food 20:35 Ultimate survival: Pacific Island 21:35 Wild swimming adventure 22:35 Destroyed in seconds 23:00 The colony: Recon mission 00:00 On
:00 The colony: Breaking point. 00:00 On the run: Whiskey robber.
:05 Mega builders: Extreme wave machine 20:05 Cake Boss: Bi-plane, bridezilla busting buddy 20:35 Mighty ships: Jumbo Fairplayer 21:35 Black gold 22:35 Destroyed in seconds 23:00 The colony: Exodus 00:00 On
De gevangenisscènes werden gescho ten in California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo. De gedetineerden werden ingezet als figuranten. De makers had den ook toestemming te filmen op de luchthaven van
:00 Family guns 17:00 Apocalypse 18:00 The dog whisperer 19:00 God fathers 20:00 Megafactories 21:00 The incredible dr Pol 22:00 American colony 23:00 The incredible dr Pol
07:00 Strippers: Cars for cash 08:00 Megafactories 09:00 Wicked tuna 10:00 Nazi sunken sub 11:00 American colony 12:00 Chasing UFOs 13:00 Scam city 16:00 The dog whis perer 17:00 The incredible dr
07:00 Strippers: Cars for cash 08:00 Megafactories 09:00 Wicked tuna 10:00 Abu Dhabi 11:00 American colony 12:00 UFO Europe: Untold Stories 13:00 Megafactories 16:00 The dog whisperer 17:00 The in
American colony meet the Hutterites ... :00 Megafac tories 16:00 Family guns 17:00 Apocalypse WWI118:00 The dog whisperer 19:00 Alaska wing men 20:00 Megafactories 21:00 The incredible dr Pol 22:00 American colony: meet the Hutterites 23:00 The in
07:00 Strippers: Cars for cash 08:00 Megafactories 09:00 Wicked tuna 10:00 Concordia 11:00 American colony: meet the Hutterites 12:00 UFO Eu rope: Untold Stories 13:00 Family guns 16:00 The dog
tories 16:00 Family guns 17:00 Apocalypse WWI118:00 The dog whisperer 19:00 Alaska wing men 20:00 Megafactories 21:00 The incredible dr Pol 22:0# American colony: Meet the Hutterites 23:00 The in credible
07:00 Truth behind 08:00 Ac cess 360 World Heritage 09:00 Wicked tuna 10:00 America's money vault 11:00 American colony: Meet the Hutterites 12:00 UFO Europe: Untold Sto ries 13:00 To catch a
07:00 American colony 08:00 Megafactories 09:00 Stone- henge decoded 10:00 Under ground poker NYC 11:00 America's lost treasures 12:00 Family guns 13:00 Locked up abroad 14:00 The dog whisper er 17
07:00 American colony 08:00 Megafactories 09:00 Draining the ocean 11:00 America's lost treasures 12:00 Family guns 13:00 Locked up abroad 14:00 The dog whisperer 17:00 For the love of chocolate 18
:00 Doomsday preppers 19:00 Alaska state troopers 20:00 Breakout 21:00 The incredible dr Pol 22:00 American colony: Meet the Hutterites 23:00 The incredible dr Pol 00:00 American colony: Meet the Hutterites 01
07:00 Truth behind 08:00 Mega- factories 09:00 Wicked tuna 10:00 Concordia 11:00 American colony: Meet the Hutterites 12:00 UFO Europe: Untold Stories 13:00 Family guns 16:00 The dog whisperer 17