Krantenbank Zeeland


14 resultaten gevonden

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

the new and splendid boat, Forrest City, Iron Trenton. She reports the river clear of ice, and "a good time coming."(Detroit Free Press, Feb. 9lh.) ... ing annually. In Massachusetts, lin54die, be- and deilei3t% Busiue.«simhe city limited, and retail trade Ook vooi de levering van 25,000 voeten eiken Palen.' Advokaat en Regts-raadgever. Sollieitcur

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

ablo Senator Hon. H. N. Smith has also returned from Madison, who has no less strong hold upon the confi dence of his constituents, for his untiring efforts in uphol ding the rights and carrying out ... . Walker, of Washington City, and oth-ns. These reports having been received and approved, and a resolution adopted approv ing of the course pursued by Messrs, Lyman, Bannister and Hobart in opening the

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 4

mis oiaic. urn. ir.t-vii.j.iion rights llivrcoo ... lat Inj znlls zijne beste vrienden «lo wijze nielino- pr0Ved April 2nd 1855: that all of «aid rights to (leileelt waarop hij is beet genomen. suoli lands in said counties, must bo proven, or 1-'S

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

Sec. 4. Any body corporate tWtSftAfi Violate "the provisions contained iu the first section of this act, shall forfeit all the rights, privileges and franchises conferred by the chatter Or act of in ... DE NIAGARA. KEYSTONE STATE QUEEN CITY,

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

April 2nd IS.4: that i.ll of said rights to nds in said counties- must he proven, ni pioof deposited Willi the Secretary of Slnti. a jniTplinsc money Iherefor paid i" foil nt the rule of one dollar I ... 16th day of March inilnnt, by tho «aid County Court, tha undersigned gunrdien of said minors, will on the 15th day of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M. nt tho Piobato office of said Court. In tho City

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

his thoughts. The party theu viewed the other prominent features of this hallowed spot and returned to the city in the af ternoon. ... jC?T The New-York city papers have the fol lowing advice to strangers aud those living at a distance

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

Why is this mighty throng here, composed as it is of (ho high-minded, the righ.-minded and the beautiful of the Empire City? Is it because a favorite actor ap pears before you in a favorite part? Why ... Tho first train of Care came thro' from Michigan City this morning. Great rejoicing in consequence.

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

/STThe election in the Several Wards of Milwau-1 koe, on the question of loaning the city credit in! hid of the Fond du Lac and Lake Shore Railroads, resulted in 1102 votes majority in its favor. ... The freeholders of the city of Kenosha are to rheide by ballot,Tuesday,Sept. 21st, whether the credit of the city should be loaned to the amount i if our hundred thousand dollars, for the Lake Shore

| Middelburgsche Courant | pagina 2

Uit Beverley (Massachusetts) wordt gemeld dat de pleizierboot Surf City zonk. Van de GO opvarenden zijn, voor zoover bekend, 7 omgekomen, maar men vreest nog meer lijken te vinden. ... verB kwam met den volgenden mail terug. Ik bewaarde 't en onlangs zond ik 't aan de redactie van het zelfde tijdschrift. Nu werd 't dadelijk geplaatst de uitgevers wilden de „world rights" koopen en

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

S3' The Michigan Central Railway will be finished to Chicago by the 1st of May. It is now completed to within twenty-two miles of that city. ... Homestead Exempiiou.Mechunics'Lien Collections of Debts Contracts, Deeds, Wills, Chattlo Mortgages, Interest, Rights of Married Woman, Ac- Bo- sides a great variety of information on subjects as Postage, I

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 3

—The Whig National Convention,for the nom ination of the candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, will be held in the city of Baltimore, on Wednesday the I6lb day of June. ... eastern market than we. tern county and city al,s,,Jut»|r refused to nrt serve his life bv A" "dvortisement appears in the London brilliant success. Tbe promptness with which every

| Sheboygan Nieuwsbode | pagina 4

Op den 24 Jnnij 1S33 sliert' in het City Hotel eil dit zoo niet geweest was. "Ik kwam oenen «lcr 3de straat te Philadelphia een man, van wieu hoer tegen", wide hij, "en die weet voel meer zijn ... proTieimis of nit act entitled "All A el to provide fur the protection of the swamp and nvpitlowed lands in Stole, rind grout pre-emption rights ihercoi)", ap proved April 2nd 1855: that all of