^7 N. Y. HERALD TRIBUNE 1953 Bernhard Leaves To Aid Homeland He Thanks U. S. for Help in Dutch Flood Disaster Cutting short his ten-day sched uled visit because of the record disastrous floods which have struck his country and Western Europe, costing more than 1,500 lives and millions in property damage, Prince Bernhard of the Nether lands left Idlewild International Airport at 11:42 a. m. yesterday aboard a K. L. M. Royal Dutch air liner for Amsterdam. Prince Bernhard said he was re turning to lend what aid he could to his country. "I am most gratefulto Gen.' Eddy [Lt. Gen. Manton S. Eddy, commander of United States Forces in Europe] and your armed forces," he said. "Their aid has been in valuable and has sa^ed many peo ple. It has really been a great thing at this moment." Prince Bernhard arrived in th® United States Saturday to take part in the celebration of New York City's 300th anniversary. He opened the ceremonies with an address Sunday afternoon at St. Mark's Church in-the-Bouwerie, Second Ave. and 10th St. Before Prince Bernhard boarded the plane yes terday the Rev. Richard E. Mc- Evoy, rector of St. Mark's, gave him a check for $375, the offerings at Sunday's services, to be used for relief work.

Krantenbank Zeeland

Watersnood documentatie 1953 - tijdschriften | 1953 | | pagina 21