Dahlias Brighten a Market Square: Utrecht Rome garrisoned Utrecht by A.D. 48. Today the Nether lands' ancient city holds Satur day morning flower marts in this brick-paved square. National Geographic Society Kodachromes by Gilbert M. Grosvenor and Charles Neave (upper) Dutch engineers key the na tion's master water-level plan to mean water level at Amster dam. Thousands of farm acres lie below this level. By ma nipulating gates, lowlanders such as this flower grower can raise or lower the water table beneath individual crops. Bulbs, for ex ample, like a constant water level. Harvesting, the farmer pulls his barge with a hooked pole. He will take the loaded boat directly into the near-by auction building (page 393). Water lilies grow wild. Fields of Bloom Make a Crazy Quilt in Aalsmeer

Krantenbank Zeeland

Watersnood documentatie 1953 - brochures | 1954 | | pagina 37