VAN HATTUMS - BLANKEVOORTS r new nava Works executed since 1905: a.o Reinforced concrete constructions, such as Quays and jetties Tunnels and caissons Large fortifications Faciory foundations and buildings Power stations Sewerage works have earned their living as dredging and civil engineering contractors. During those years the Van Hattums executed many large contracts in Europe, Africa and South and Central America. The Blankevoorts achievements lay mainly in Holland. The two businesses have worked together since 1905 under the management of Ir. M. J. van Hattum c.i. and W. Blankevoort Czn. After their death both family businesses were convert ed into limited companies and on the 30th May 1950, one large limited company was formed. 120 feet high floating crane with stock of 28 tons reinforced concrete piles at Den Helder.

Krantenbank Zeeland

Watersnood documentatie 1953 - brochures | 1954 | | pagina 78