o&ooo id Expenditure caused by flood disaster as a part of the national expenditure 1954, in millions of guilders other expenditure fls. 500 millions to cover the cost of reconstruction and payments under the Flood Disaster Law to prevent the complete impoverishment of the stricken population. Adding another fls. 300 millions as a rough estimate of the restoration costs of dikes and other public property, the total budgetary burden comes to about fls. 800 millions. Most of this sum will have to be spent within two years. As stated before, this huge expenditure the maximum we can af ford does not provide for more than the prevention of impover ishment. There is, however, a considerable difference between that and the restoration of each individual in his former estate. It was the latter objective which gave rise to one of the most impressive examples of international alliance in peace-time history. An overwhelming generosity all over the world raised in a few months fls. 125 millions in money and a variety of much needed goods. Thus, the Flood Disaster Fund and the Red Cross were able to meet the full requirements in the field of personal care and aid both during evacu ation and afterwards during resettlement of the victims. Important and heart-moving as this may be, it is only part of the unprecedented activity that went on in the area after the first few days of sorrow and confusion. An army of hydraulic and agricultural engineers set out to drive back the sea and to reclaim the land. Eight months after the flooding took place all but one of the breaches had been closed and only 2,400 hectares remained exposed to the sea. On more than 100,000 hectares the lengthy process of desalting is in full swing. With careful treatment of the soil with a view to promoting drainage and leaching, together with the application of several tons of gypsum per hectare to restore the crumbly structure of the clay, normal cultivation will be possible within from three to five years. In a number of villages the first reconstructed houses have already been delivered. Thus, in keeping with the history of these islands, their proud device "Luctor Et Emergo" (I struggle and emerge) will once again be confirmed. Loss of agricultural production arable land 1953 horticulture I960 tt Each disc represents a value of 10 millions of guilders

Krantenbank Zeeland

Watersnood documentatie 1953 - brochures | 1954 | | pagina 30