Ms Way The Netherlands dry again Vol. V - Number 2 Edited and published by Stichting BOUW", 62 Koningi?inegrachtThe Hague, HOLLAND Director J. van Ettinger, Eng. Editorial Committee for this number: Dr J. van Veen, Civ. Eng., chairman, Chief engineer of the Rijkswaterstaat H. A. M. C. Dibbits, Civ. Eng., chief engineer- director of the Rijkswaterstaat N. Dijkhuis LL.D., General Secretary of the Nether lands Association for Roadbuilders H. J. KraUS, Editorial Secretary G. H. C. V. Oosterhout, Head of the Public Relat ions and Information Department of the Ministry of Transport and Waterstaat". Further contributions by: Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, dr C. van den Berg (Rijksdienst voor Landbouwherstel), W. Dam (Ministerie van Wederopbouw en Volkshuis vesting), dr ir A. W. G. Koppejan (Centraal Plan- bureau), prof, ir J. Tk. Thijsse (Waterloopkundig Labo ratorium), Het Nederlandsche Roode Kruis, Bouwcen trum, N.V. Philips' Telecommunicatie Industrie. Cover designed by G. Arntz. Photographs Netherlands Government Information Service, H. J. Stuvel, Aerophoto A.N.P., K.L.M. (Royal Dutch Air lines), Aerophoto Nederland, Anefo, Shell-foto, Max Koot, T. v. d. Reyken, Heemskerck Düker, Particam Pictures, Henk Nieuwenhuis, Waterloopkundig Labo ratorium, Rijkswaterstaat, Prov. Waterstaat Zuid-Hol land, N.V. Philips' Telecommunicatie Industrie, Steef Zoetmulder, Vrijhof. Printed for the publishers in The Netherlands by Messrs. Koch Knuttel, Gouda. The printing-blocks for the editorial part of this issue were made by the firm of Koningsveld, The Hague. Subscription per volume Single copies for the U.S.A. 3 1 for Great Britain 15/- 5/- for the Netherlands 8 gldrs. 2.50 gldrs. for other countries: equivalent in exchange value. Contents Page 1st February 1935-lst February 1954: Defeat and Recon- quest A new chapterspanning a period of one yearin the ever-renewed struggle of the Dutch and the sea 18 Relief and assistance from at home and abroad Large-scale actions almost everywhere to relieve the distress 23 What was lost A summary of the various losses and damages 27 Midget experiments - giant construction General rehearsal in the laboratory precedes the full-scale project 29 Close those breaches! Counterattack and victory 31 Desalting and other soil reconditioning The agricultural land is restored for cultivation 64 Reconstruction of houses and farms 66 Damage to buildings by sea water 68 The closing of the Dutch coast Sealing off the many estuaries 69 17

Krantenbank Zeeland

Watersnood documentatie 1953 - brochures | 1954 | | pagina 19